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Friday, September 23, 2011

Boo! Open Call for Authors: Guest Post on Ghost Stories

As it is getting to be Halloween season, I thought it might be fun to have some guest blogs about true-life ghostly encounters.

Toss aside your inner skeptic, unleash your inner ghost whisperer/hunter and tell us your best spooky tale! I am throwing caution to the wind and not placing any rules on your handling of the topic-- only that they be based in a real encounter you have had with something spectral. Have you ever seen something 'impossible'? Felt a sudden drop in a room's temperature accompanied by an oppressive atmosphere? Heard footsteps across creaky floorboards when there is no one in sight? Go on-- scare the bejeezus out of us. Make it creepy, poignant, or even silly. The only thing I ask is that you be nice and please don't go on for pages and pages.

Bonus points for any unexplainable photos you'd like to share!

I'll post my guests' ghostly tales throughout October, but if the response is good I may make it an ongoing feature for the blog. Please send your stuff to Ruth at ruthabarrett (at) hotmail (dot) com. Do add a little bio and whatever links to your website, blogspot or book you'd like to share.


  1. Count me in, Ruth! I've got one to tell!

    Thanks again for joining us at the Red Tash Trick or Treat Bash. Some lucky winner is going to be reading creepy tales for free for the next year or more at this rate!
